Case report
Amniotic Membrane Graft for Chronic Macular Hole in a High Myopia Patient with…
Scientific paper
Analysis of retinal vascular perfusion using ocular doppler ultrasound in healt…
Scientific paper
Assessment of clinical characteristics, treatment patterns and anti-VEGF Outcom…
Scientific paper
Associated Factors with Loss to Follow-Up in a Point-of-Care Diabetic Retinopat…
Scientific paper
Cost-effectiveness analysis of the use of faricimab in Macular Degeneration and…
Case report
Foveal Findings As A Sign of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis: A Case Series and…
Scientific paper
Frequency Of Macular Complications Associated With The Use Of Silicone Oil In V…
Case report
I See a Detachment, But What Is It? Internal Limiting Membrane Detachment Durin…
Scientific paper
Impact of a Pharmaceutical Recall of Intravitreal Bevacizumab on Patients in th…
Scientific paper
Impact of Diagnostic Delay on Visual Function in Stargardt Disease: Analysis by…
Scientific paper
Macular Splint: A Prospective Randomized Study Evaluating Intravitreal Gas Inje…
Scientific paper
Macular vascular changes in pregnant patients with diagnosis of diabetes, by c…
Scientific paper
Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization as the Premonitory Sign of Punctate Inner…
Case report
Outer Nuclear Layer Thinning Following Schisis Resolution in X-Linked Retinosch…
Case report
Pachychoroid pigment epitheliopathy in young female with Irritable Bowel Disea…
Scientific paper
Pars Plana Vitrectomy Vs. Tap-And-Inject In Post-Surgical Endophthalmitis A Ran…
Case report
Pediatric Macular Chorioretinal Atrophy As A Sign of COL2A1-Causing Stickler Sy…
Case report
Phenotype Variability of X-Linked Retinoschisis in Two Siblings with Identical…
Case report
Positive Outcomes in Autosomal Recessive Bestrophinopathy: Case Series Comparin…
Scientific paper
Presence of Subfoveal Hyperreflective Dots as an Anatomical and Functional Prog…
Case report
Schisis-Like Presentations of Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy Caused by FZ…
Scientific paper
Structural, Microvascular, and Functional Analysis of the Foveal Area Using Opt…
Scientific paper
Subclinical Retinal Changes Detected by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in C…
Scientific paper
Surgical Approach and Molecular Analysis using PCR of Aqueous Humor and Vitreou…
Case report
Surgical Management of an Atypical Presentation of Peripheral Exudative Hemorrh…
Case report
Tay-Sachs disease in a child of indigenous Guatemalan-Mayan origin with macular…
Case report
The Last Card In The Game: External Drainage Of Subretinal Fluid In Complex Exu…
Case report
To Suture or Not to Suture the Akreos? Decision-Making During 4-point Scleral F…
Scientific paper
Treatment patterns and outcomes in CMV retinitis in patients with multiple myel…
Scientific paper
Ultra-Wide Field Retinal Angiography with Oral Fluorescein in Children Treated…
Scientific paper
Ultra-Widefield Retinal Angiography with Oral Fluorescein in Children Treated f…
Scientific paper